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Basic education in the arts

The dance studies will begin with the early childhood studies at the age of 1 – 8. In the early childhood studies the students will register to groups according to their birth year. In the basic studies (approximately 9 – 15 years old students) the main subject will be studied twice a week. In addition the student can choose secondary and/or optional subject available for the student’s group.

In Espoon Tanssiopisto classical ballet and contemporary dance can be chosen as main subjects starting from the age of 9. Starting from the age of 12 jazz dance can be chosen as a main subject as well.

In the advanced studies (approximately 15 – 19 years old students) the main subjects will be studied atleast twice or three times a week and the chosen secondary subjects atleast once a week.


Espoon Tanssiopisto gives dance lessons in basic education in the arts. Available studies include:

In addition Open department (Avoin opetus) lessons are available for adults and teenagers over 13 years old. The available open department lessons include classical ballet, jazz dance, contemporary dance, tap dance and pilates.

Read more about our lessons…


Espoon Tanssiopisto is a member of the Association of Dance Institutes in Finland STOPP ry.