Studies and lessons
Espoon Tanssiopisto gives dance lessons in basic education in the arts. Available studies include:
In addition Open department (Avoin opetus) lessons are available for adults and teenagers over 13 years old. The available open department lessons include classical ballet, jazz dance, contemporary dance, tap dance and pilates.
Choose the right lesson:
- Basic and advanced studies (continuing classes) starting from the age of nine. Main subjects are classical ballet and contemporary dance. From the age of twelve you can choose jazz dance as a main subject as well.
- The lessons in main subject will be held twice a week. In addition you can choose classical ballet, contemporary dance or starting from the age of twelve jazz dance as a secondary subject. As an optional subject you choose tap dance and starting from the age of 11 character dance.
- The lessons of open department (avoin opetus) are: classical ballet, contemporary dance and jazz dance
- Students who have turned 14 can take part in open department lessons.
Please register to the groups according to the birth year:
- Children’s dance LT 3-4 v (2021): year 2021
- Children’s dance LT 4-5 v (2020): year 2020
- Children’s dance LT 5-6 v (2019): year 2019
- Pre-ballet EB 6-7 v (2018): year 2018
- Elementary ballet 1, AB1 (2017): year 2017
- Elementary ballet 2, AB2 (2016): year 2016
- Basic and advanced studies (continuing classes/jatkoluokat): students born in 2015 and before
- Open department (Avoin opetus): adults
In addition you can register your child into a one year younger students’ group.
After registration you can try our lessons for two weeks. If you wish not to continue with the lessons after the trial period, just cancel the lesson by sending an email during the trial period to info@espoontanssiopisto.fi.
Please register on our registration site.
For further information please check our cancellation terms.
- Please register on our registration site
- Register to the children’s groups (3 – 9 years old) according to their birth year.
- Students of the age of 9 – 19 will be registered to basic and advanced studies (continuing classes). For further advice finding the right level and group for the student you can contact the office info@espoontanssiopisto.fi or the main teachers Sanna Leino (classical ballet) sanna.leino@espoontanssiopisto.fi or Carita Lähteenmäki carita.lahteenmaki@espoontanssiopisto.fi (contemporary dance and jazz dance).
- Fpr further information on registration please check the registration instructions.