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Registration to the lessons of Espoon Tanssiopisto

Please register to the groups according to the birth year:

In addition you can register your child into a one year younger students’ group.

Autumn term: 12.8. – 22.12.2024
Spring term: 13.1. – 25.5.2025

You can always try our lessons, but you must always submit your registration form before the lessons. For further information please check the cancellation terms.

Registrations for the season 2024/2025

Registrations for the season 2024/2025 can be made from the registration calendar’s links on the registration page. You can register to many camps and courses as well. All registrations are to be made online via the links in the calendar.

You can use the search engine above the registration calendar to search groups by the name of the location (sijainti) or by the group (oppilasryhmä). To show the available groups please click the button (näytä kurssit).

Further information on the groups can be found on the studies and lessons section. Maps of the locations can be found on the locations section.

We are taking registrations from new students during the whole year 2024/2025. If there are vacancies in your requested group the registration form is available. If the group is full you can register to the waiting list.

In case of registering into the continuing classes (jatkoluokat) we will check your registrations first and the best group for you will be offered to you according to the availability.

Groups will be established if more than 10 students have been registered to the group.

Before registering please check our cancellation terms about the registrations including the student fees.

Please note specifically that the cancellations of the registrations and the dance lessons during the term are to be made to the office by e-mail info@espoontanssiopisto.fi.

The cancellation terms for the camps and courses can be found in their info leaflets (esite) or bulletins.

If you register to the groups in the autumn term after 29.9.2024 (or in the spring term after 23.2.2025) please contact our invoicing laskutus@espoontanssiopisto.fi for receiving the price for the rest of the term.

Further information about the dance lessons:

E-mail addresses: firstname.lastname(at)espoontanssiopisto.fi
General questions: info@espoontanssiopisto.fi(opens in a new window)