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Espoon Tanssiopisto’s Spring performances 27. – 28.5.2023 in Espoon kulttuurikeskus

Espoon Tanssiopisto’s Spring performances will be held on Saturday 27.5.2023 (at 17.00 and 19.15) and on Sunday 28.5.2023 (at 14.00, 15.30 and 18.00) in Espoon kulttuurikeskus. The students of Espoon Tanssiopisto’s continuing classes (over 9 years old) and EB, AB1 and Pojat 6-9 groups will be performing in the performances. Welcome to the performances!

The tickets will be sold by Lippupiste www.lippu.fi(you are switching to another service). Ticket prices: adults 21,00 e, children (under 12 years) 13,50 e and Espoon Tanssiopisto’s students 9,50 e (not performing, please show your student card when requested). Order and payment method fees will be charged according to the customer’s own order and payment choice. Further information on the order and payment method fees can be found on the website www.lippu.fi(you are switching to another service).Â